John Kitonga Kiprop Morogo

John Kitonga Kiprop Morogo

  • Announcement Date: April 12, 2018
  • Burial Location: Emarangishu farm, Solai Nakuru County.
  • Funeral Date: April 14, 2018
  • Views: 8844 Visitors

It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on to glory of John Kitonga Kiprop Morogo  after a long illness on 2nd April 2018 at Medihill Hospital Eldoret.

The first born son of the late Paramount Chief Morogo Chebet and the late Rael Morogo  of Baringo County, husband of Evelyn Tungo, Rosa Teriki and Josephine Tarkok. Son in law of Kapkirukmet,Kapkotut and Kapmarachi. Brother of Esleen Tallam,late Winfred Koima,Lily Chesang, Hon William Morogo, the late Hon Eric Morogo, the late Liza Rop, Susan Muema, Grace Kimeli, Nelson Morogo, Elizabeth Lebo, the late Daniel Morogo, Isaac Morogo, David Morogo, Lydia Morogo ,Benson Morogo, Nixon  Morogo among others. Cousin of the late Stanley Bowen, Gilbert, Samuel Kipngok, Mrs. Pauline Kiptanui uncle of Joshua Chepkwony (Kass FM)among others. Father of Shadrack and Bornes Kitonga (Kisanana),Lorna and John Deus (Kipchimchim High Sch.),Norah and Erickson Chepkong’a (Kasoiyo),Dorothy Kiprop (Kisanana),Henry and Norah Kiprop (Propenerd Services Nbi),Andrew and Nelly Kiprop ( Kabarak University),Flora and Francis Rono (Ronrift Nku),Nicholas Kiprop (Mungu Mbele Transporters Nku),Chumbin Kiprop (Kasururei),Jackline and Kristensen (Denmark),Cynthia Morogo (CVA Network), Nancy and Jasper Hansen (Denmark ) the late Maureen Jematian,Lawrence and Margaret (NPS), Valentine and Nick Kuto ( NHIF),Vivian Kiprop ( NPS),Naomi Kiprop(Eastleigh Pharmaceuticals Eld) and Benjamin Morogo( Min. Of lands Kapsabet). He had  50 grandchildren among them Sheila Jeptoo, Raymond Kipkoech and Sharon Jepchumba. Great Grandfather of Twaila Jerotich and Shirley Jepkemoi. 

The cortege leaves MTRH Eldoret at 5am on 14th April 2018 for a funeral service and burial at his Emarangishu farm, Solai Nakuru County.