25th Anniversary
Lucy Wanjiru Mbiu  (‘Mama Esther’)

Lucy Wanjiru Mbiu (‘Mama Esther’)

  • Announcement Date: April 28, 2019
  • Burial Location:
  • Views: 8780 Visitors

How time flies! It only seems like yesterday when you bid us good bye to travel to Rwanda on business. You were a business woman and you traveled quite often so we didn’t think much of it until that fateful evening in April 1994 when we saw on TV the breaking news of the Rwandan President’s plane being shot down and the mayhem that followed. We waited with abated breath to hear from you. We prayed and beseeched for your safety but soon thereafter the situation got worse. We watched hoping to catch a glimpse of you amongst those that were fleeing to naught. We consoled ourselves by the fact that you were Kenyan and not Rwandese so surely they’d spare your life? Unfortunately the waiting turned into weeks, into months, into years and finally we accepted that you had left us. Your sun had set never to rise again.

You left us at a very early age! But then is there a right age that a parent departs the earth? All in all, we learnt how to live without you by relishing the memories we had of you. You were larger than life! Anybody who came into contact with you was left with your imprint on their mind. Your infectious laughter, your love for people, your fiery eyes when fighting for rights, your business acumen, your stylishness and generosity. You were it Mummy! We don’t even get close to who you were.
You had only one grand child but then God blessed us with 8 more in whom we see glimpses of you and are comforted. As for us the girls (Esther, Eva, Njoki and Jackie) we are no longer spring chicken and yet we occasionally find ourselves exhibiting some of your traits sometimes to the detriment of your grand children! You were a disciplinarian par excellence!

Mummy, what can we say? We love you, we miss you, we long for your words of counsel but we choose to rest in the hope of seeing you, Daddy and our brother Robu at the resurrection.

Cucu - although we didn’t get time to meet & be with you, or hear your soulful laugh; we feel your warmth and love everyday. Thank you for demonstrating incredible strength & grace in all you did. You are a beacon we aim to emulate. We love & miss you dearly - Naz, Jo, Kui, Kiki, Turi, Kristina, Jude, Mathew and Jonathan
The larger Kenda Family na Mbari ya Thumbi miss you too.
Koma thayu Mummy, Mama Esther.

We would like to thank our family and friends that stood by us during this dark period and have been a constant in our lives. God bless you abundantly.
‘‘A short while , but forever in our hearts’’