In Loving Memory
Mark Gicho Mbua Kamau

Mark Gicho Mbua Kamau

  • Announcement Date: April 1, 2021
  • Burial Location:
  • Funeral Date: April 8, 2021
  • Views: 8981 Visitors

We remember Mr. Mark Gicho Mbua who died in Mombasa on 5th April 2020

One year ago, a day like today the Lord called you home, but the memories you gave us are still etched in our hearts. It was so sudden, no goodbye, no hint just like that.

Death snatched you from us. It seems like it was yesterday. Loved and remembered silently in our hearts every single day.

Each one of us misses you in a unique and personal way. We all remember the selflessness and sacrifices of a true man and learn from that every single day.

Dearly missed by your Dad, Mums Brothers, Children and Friends.