Celebration of World War II Veteran’s Life
Mzee John Kayeli Olaka

Mzee John Kayeli Olaka

  • Announcement Date: June 10, 2021
  • Burial Location: Ageti village (Ang’orom Ward), Busia county
  • Funeral Date: June 12, 2021
  • Views: 8776 Visitors

Celebration of World War II Veteran’s Life

Mzee John Kayeli Olaka

The family and friends of World War II veteran Mzee John Kayeli Olaka wish to announce his peaceful death which occurred on Wednesday June 2nd 2021  while at his home in Busia at the age of 101. 

John Olaka was born in December, 1920 in Chango Village, South Maragoli, to Asagi Amoso Kayeli and Zablon Kayeli. 

He studied at Magui Primary and later Kegoye Primary School till standard 4 in 1940. In 1941-1946 Mzee Olaka enlisted in the army and fought WWII in South East Asia; Burma, Colombo, Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, Hongkong among others, and rose to the rank of Sergeant Major.

He was the husband to Peris Ivayo (deceased) and Truphena Vulimu (deceased). He was the father to Henry Olaka, Alfred Adenya (deceased), Esther Asagi (deceased), Hellen Olaka, Judith Ariviza. Lawrence Muindi (deceased) Gladys Olaka, Tebra Olaka, Beatrice Mmbone (deceased), Hoskin Indimula, Jessica Kanali (deceased), Patrick Ngana (deceased), Kenneth Ramenya, Onan Mwanzari (deceased), Bernard Masava (deceased), Nancy Minage, Violet Asagi and Linet Ajami. 

He is was a grandfather to more than 60 grandchildren including: Jonny, Pamela, Delina, Jumba, Kerry, Emanto,Chembeni, Anguzuzu, Obuli, Levi, Aggrey; Lilian, Mustafa,Kimanyano, Kang’ahi, Erick, Kayeli. Kabeyeka, Keya, Victor, Isaac, and Cindy, Agadinda, Milenja, Agavishi, Amugada, Ajami, Andaye, Kavere, Siago, Gibendi, Kefin, Emanto, Princes,Mutiva, Vike, Midega, Asagi, Musungu, Sheilla,Yvonne, Gloria, Bernard, Hellen. Muganya, Inyangu, George, Kadenyeka, Delina, Ken, Kerry, Ann, Emanto, Mboku, George, Johny, Levi, Hellen, Aggrey, Rajab, Diana, Douglas,Anna, Laurine, Abigael  among others. 

He was blessed with over 100 great grandchildren.

His body lies at Tanaka Nursing Home. His final resting place will be in Ageti village (Ang’orom Ward),
Busia county, on Saturday June 12th 2021. 

May the good Lord rest his soul in Eternal Peace!