In Loving Memory
Mama Sarah Kemunto Moraa Nyabeta

Mama Sarah Kemunto Moraa Nyabeta

  • Announcement Date: August 2, 2021
  • Burial Location:
  • Views: 8927 Visitors

Although it feels like yesterday, it’s been exactly two years  since that fateful morning when Mama suddenly left us.
It hasn’t been easy but The God of Mama has been with us and He’s surely seen us through.
Fondly missed by her husband Mwalimu Clement, children;  Willy, Eddie, Issa, Zippy, Gladjo, Rissie, Ruthie and Eric, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Looking forward to the Resurrection Morning Mama!
“Precious in the sight of Lord is the death of His saints”( Psalms 116:15)