Death and Funeral Announcement
Mwirigi Elijah Rinyiru

Mwirigi Elijah Rinyiru

  • Announcement Date: August 16, 2021
  • Burial Location: Umoja Village, Kibirichia
  • Views: 8474 Visitors

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Mwirigi Elijah Rinyiru of Kibirichia Location, Buuri Sub-county, Meru County. 

He was the son of the late Elijah M’Inoti M’Rinyiru, the late Charity Gaiti M’Inoti and the late Isabella Kathure M’Inoti. He was the husband to Jennifer Kathambi Mwirigi, and the father of Kimathi and Susan, Kinoti and Millicent, Mutwiri and Emily, Purity and Paul Nuwagaba, and Karimi and Nyagah. 

He was brother to the late Wilfred Kimaita and the late Anna Kimaita, Mrs. Nancy Muthuri, Ntarangwi and Isabella, Mugambi and Janet, the late Salome M’Inoti, Evangeline and Muriungi, Justice Kathurima M’Inoti and Jane, Anne and Nyagah, and Mutuma and Dorcas. Son-in-law of Jeremiah Mbui and the late Evangeline Mbui. Brother-in-law to Mbaya, Muthee, Kathurima, Muthomi and Kajuju. Grandfather to Kendi, Ntinyari, Gitonga, Felicity and Valerie, and uncle to many.  

Cortège will leave Kenyatta University Funeral Home on Friday, 20th August 2021 at 6 am. Funeral will take place at his home in Umoja Village, Kibirichia, on the same day from 10 am.

“Every life is noted and cherished, and nothing loved is ever lost or perished” 
- Madeline L’Engle