Ernest Muli Mwau

Ernest Muli Mwau

  • Announcement Date: August 13, 2021
  • Burial Location: makueni
  • Funeral Date: July 31, 2021
  • Views: 2742 Visitors

The family of the late Ernest Muli Mwau and the larger Mwau family are most grateful to God for the life and service of Ernest. We thank all those who shared in Ernest’s life and assisted him in one way or another.

We greatly appreciate all who took part in the preparation and burial of Ernest on Friday, July 30, 2021. In a special way, we acknowledge with gratitude all the relatives, friends, neighbors, groups and institutions for being with us in letter and spirit during this our difficult time. May the good Lord bless and keep you.

We feel indebted to the clergy, particularly those of St. Peter and Paul Kikoko Catholic Parish led by Fr. B. Nzomo, St. Paul’s Small Christian Community and all other religious support groups for prayers as well as spiritual guidance and nourishment.

Special appreciation is rendered to all the leaders of Makueni County, led by H.E. Prof. Kivutha Kibwana the Governor for guidance, material support and good will to the family during the difficult moments.

We are comforted to know that “You have fought a good fight, You have finished the race and You have kept the faith”. Fair thee well Ernest.