in loving memory
Angela Owiti Kere

Angela Owiti Kere

  • Announcement Date: August 11, 2021
  • Burial Location:
  • Views: 9782 Visitors

Dad and Angie, It’s now one year, and one year and four months respectively since you left us to be with The Lord, but the memories you gave us are still etched in our hearts. Though we can’t see you physically, you are always by our side and in our thoughts. 

Dearly missed by wife/mum Claudia, children/ siblings Chris, Sam, Sylvia, relatives and friends. The Kere family takes this opportunity to thank all of you  for standing with us during their hospitalization and even after their demise. May the almighty God bless you abundantly. Memorial service for both Dad and Angie will be held at our home in Rarieda on 14th August 2021. All COVID-19 protocols to be observed